
学年: 道成肉身的世界大学的“学年”由2个学年组成, 15周的“学期”和2个夏季课程. The academic year technically begins with the first day of fall term and concludes with spring commencement and the end of spring term. 夏季课程被称为“延长夏季课程”,共持续12周. 夏季课程1和2各为6周. 注:UIW接受所有学期的新生(秋季,春季) & Summer). Those students who choose to begin their academic career during a Summer Term are counted as part of the fall class for that year.

认证: Colleges and universities and high schools must meet certain state or national requirements for 学术项目, 教学及设施须经认证机构认证. 道成肉身的大学 is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award associate, 学士学位, masters, 还有博士学位.

ACT: 美国大学考试计划. 所有申请UIW的一年级学生都需要提交ACT或SAT成绩. UIW对学生参加的考试没有偏好,也没有最低考试成绩要求. 注意:分数必须直接从考试机构发送,才能被考虑.

招生代表: 招生办公室的代表,负责帮助未来的学生, 申请人, 家长和高中/转学顾问通过录取程序.

入学要求: 为了获得学院或大学的录取,学生必须达到一定的要求. 这些可能包括平均绩点, ACT和/或SAT成绩, 能力测试结果, 具体的高中课程, 转学课程和GED成绩.

成人文凭: A student who did not graduate from high school may earn an equivalent degree by completion of a GED program or an Adult High School Diploma Program.

高级常务报告: All college-level work from appropriately accredited institutions will be evaluated to determine whether the course will be accepted as course credit at UIW and if the course satisfies any other UIW's General Education Curriculum.

AP: 跳级. uw评估高级付款考试成绩,并将这些成绩明确为可能的课程学分, 通常在通识教育课程中. 学生必须在大学预修考试中取得至少3分才能获得大学学分.

学士学位的核心: 作为一所文科院校, UIW has made a deliberate and concerted effort to support the concept of "liberal" learning through the creation of the Core Curriculum. 没有道歉, 我们要求我们所有的毕业生完成一个富有文科传统的核心课程, 以天主教传统为基础的, 并欣赏他人和其他文化. We also recognize that many of our students transfer to UIW having completed all or most of our Core and as such, 我们接受这些信用, 在适用情况下, 确保学生及时毕业. 所有学生必须完成核心课程的要求.

学士学位: The degree given by a college or university after a student has successfully completed a 4- or 5-year program.

Catalog: 由学院或大学出版的关于班级的一般信息的书, 入学要求, 学术项目, 还有学费和学位要求.

证书: 毕业证书:学生完成一门课程后发给他们的文件, 不能拿到文凭, 证明他们可以正式从事某些职业.

CLEP: 大学水平考试计划. The 大学水平考试计划 (CLEP) provides two types of examinations--General Examinations and Subject Examinations, 可在各种学科. Standards for satisfactory credit are set by the University faculty in each discipline area and may be higher than the ACE recommendations. CLEP tests are under constant evaluation and scores are subject to change according to the evaluation period. 访问uw测试服务网站.

College: 大学的组成单位, 提供教学课程的,通常可获得学士学位的.

确认费用: Students who have been admitted and have decided to attend UIW must submit a $200 matriculation fee to reserve a spot in the freshman class. 此费用包括介绍费. 转学生需要支付100美元的入学费来预订秋季学期的入学名额. 您可以用现金、支票、汇票或信用卡付款 uw的自助支付网站.


出席费用: 出勤费用是学生一年教育费用的平均费用. 这是一年的估计总费用,包括:学费, fees, room, 董事会和个人开支.

Credit: 学院或大学衡量学生取得学位或证书的进度. 每学时大致相当于每周一小时的上课时间. 例如, 以获得uw的学士学位, 学生必须成功完成至少120个学分.

Decision: 确定申请人的入学资格.


  • Admit: 作为UIW的学生提供了一个空间(一个特定的学期). 学生必须继续满足招生办公室提出的资格要求.
  • Deny: 根据目前的申请情况,没有资格被UIW录取.

双重登记: 在威斯康星大学和高中或社区学院同时入学.

FAFSA: 免费申请联邦学生资助 Fafsa.ed.gov.

联邦佩尔助学金联邦政府给予的联邦援助补助金. 助学金不需要偿还. 学生通过填写FAFSA(免费申请联邦学生援助)进行申请。.

联邦补贴贷款: 由银行或大学处理的学生经济援助. 学生毕业或离校后必须连本带利偿还贷款. Interest on federally subsidized loans does not begin accruing until the student graduates or leaves college. 学生通过填写FAFSA表格进行申请.

联邦无补贴贷款: 类似于补贴贷款, except that payments begin and interest accrues from the time the loan is taken out by the student or parent irrespective of whether or not the student is enrolled at a college or university.

金融援助: 帮助学生支付大学学杂费的联邦、州或私人基金. 经济援助的形式包括助学金、贷款和大学勤工俭学.

GED: 通识教育文凭——完成高中文凭的另一种选择. Individuals who did not finish high school may qualify for admission to UIW on the basis of satisfactory scores on the Test of General Education Development (GED) and high school courses via an official transcript. Freshmen 申请人 out of high school for more than two years and GED recipients are not required to submit SAT or ACT scores.

与阿拉莫社区学院区(ACCD)的联合招生协议: This agreement will enhance the opportunities for 学士学位 degree completion for students enrolling at ACCD institutions. 申请圣帕洛阿尔托大学的合格学生. Philips, 圣安东尼奥, 或西北Vista都可以选择同时进入道成肉身的大学. This agreement will facilitate transfer of community college credit to UIW and encourage students to complete their 学士学位 degree at the University. 欲了解更多信息,请联系招生办公室. Students interested in being dual enrolled at 圣安东尼奥 College and 道成肉身的大学 can also take courses at the Dual Enrollment Center located on 1621 N. Main. 详情请联系(210)223-5747.

基于需求的经济援助: Financial aid that is awarded based on demonstrated financial need as determined by the FAFSA and any additional verification materials requested by the Office of 金融援助.

非学位学生: Non-degree enrollment status is designed for students who wish to take courses but do not plan to pursue a degree.


  • 获得高等院校认可的学士学位证明
  • 以前就读的各学院或大学的正式成绩单. 这些成绩单必须直接从学院或大学邮寄到招生办公室.

Non-degree-seeking students may register for a cumulative total of no more than nine credit hours of graduate course work under the normal grading system. Students holding a master's degree who do not wish to apply for admission as degree-seeking students may register for a cumulative total of no more than 12 credit hours of graduate course work under the normal grading system. 非学位学生应符合研究生奖学金标准. 在某些情况下, credit hours taken under a non-degree seeking status and under the normal grading system may be applied toward a degree if a student later gains admission into a graduate program. Such credits will be evaluated as though they were transfer credits from another institution and must be approved by the Program Advisor and the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research.


官方成绩单: Official record of high school and/or college courses and grades that must be received in a sealed envelope. 所有申请都需要一份正式的高中成绩单, as well as an official transcript from any college or university a student attempted or complete course work at.

方向: 新生必须参加迎新活动,转学生可选修.

会有10美元.每位参加迎新会的家长或家庭成员收费00元. 此费用在报到过程中支付. Due to safety regulations and fire codes we ask that you limit the number of guests that are accompanying you to orientation to 2.

先决条件: 在学生学习更高级的课程之前必须进行或完成的课程.

Registrar: A person or office within a college or university who manages class schedules and student academic records.

滚动招生: 采用滚动录取的学校在收到每一份申请时都会考虑. UIW采用滚动招生周期-有完整的申请, 决定通常在两周内做出.

Room and Board: The dollar amount that represents the combined housing and meal option costs (on-campus) for enrolled students. 房费是指住在学校宿舍的费用, 伙食费是学校膳食计划的费用.

SAT: 学业能力倾向测验. 所有申请UIW的一年级学生都需要提交ACT或SAT成绩. UIW对学生参加的考试没有偏好,也没有最低考试成绩要求. 注意:分数必须直接从考试机构发送,才能被考虑.

Tuition: 学费:在学院或大学学习课程的费用和费用. 这还不包括食宿费,这是单独的费用.

研究工作: 学生必须完成FAFSA以确定该计划的资格. 合格的学生每周可以在校园里在各种工作地点和环境中工作20小时. 工资因工种而异. 基金由联邦政府补贴.